Sandi Sammons

Happy Shoes of the Day - Red and White Josef Seibel

I had treatment day last Tuesday but I have not been able to post since then. So better late than never!! I am actually getting blood today, because my blood had become very low and I was anemic. It made me think of how the blood of Jesus was shed for each of us to receive salvation! That is the greatest gift ever to us!!

We just celebrated Valentine's Day! No matter if you are married, single, divorced, or widowed, we have the love of God surrounding us each day!

I am so thankful for the ultimate love of our Savior!! 

“Greater love has no one than this, that one lay down his life for his friends.”
‭‭John‬ ‭15:13‬ ‭NASB‬‬

“"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life.”
‭‭John‬ ‭3:16‬ ‭NASB

We are so loved by Jesus!! In our human minds it is hard for us to fathom His love!! He is for us, He wants the very best for us!! He delights in us and loves us even with all of faults! He wants nothing but the best for us! 

A great friend sent me a text on Monday about a Bible study she was doing. The scripture reference was Matthew 14:22-33. This talks about the miracle of feeding the 5000 and then Jesus sending them away in front of Him. The disciples were on the boat and very afraid. It talks about Jesus "walking" not running to them on the boat. He had everything under control! 

My friend sent me the reminder that God is aware, in control, and with us Through It All!! She posed the question, "So, are our "storms" times in which His majesty can be revealed in our lives!? I believe they are, and trusting Him through the process brings glory to Him and it brings peace to us!

God sent the disciples into what He knew we would still be talking about thousands of years later. My friend posed the question, "What has He sent us away to go through that He will be glorified through?" Wow, it is all for His glory to be revealed!! Her final sentence in the text was, "He walks to us completely AWARE of ur greatest need!"

He is always working for ur good. He knows right where we are and He has plan for our lives! Yesterday I had a revelation yesterday of God's goodness and how I cannot allow myself to be depressed or worried over my situation...

"I am not a victim! I am victorious! Cancer does not have dominion over me! I am healed! Speaking life over myself today!"

I sent that out in a text to a few people as a declaration over my life!! Our words are powerful! And His words are even more powerful! 

A powerful scripture from 1 Peter...

“and He Himself bore our sins in His body on the cross, so that we might die to sin and live to righteousness; for by His wounds you were healed.”
‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭2:24‬ ‭NASB

I am continuing on this journey in peace knowing that my God is with me and He will never leave me!

His love for us knows no bounds!! We can trust Him, lean on Him, believe Him, and when we are weak, He is strong!

I posted a great video from Andrew Womack with a testimony from John Tesh...I will try and post again to Sandi's Hope...take a minute to listen and let your faith rise!!

I love you all and thank you for your continued prayers and faith!!