Happy Shoes of the Day - SILVER LEATHER SPERRY'S

My silver Sperry's made me think about the phrase we've all heard..."Every cloud has a silver lining." If you look up silver lining in the dictionary it says, even the worst events or situations have some positive aspect. 

So, what is the "Silver Lining" in a crazy diagnosis? There are many ways to look at that. We could spend all kinds of time trying to figure what the silver lining is in a situation. And in some situations, it could be really hard to find a silver lining! I'm just being honest...we are human!

I'm thankful in this situation that I don't have to figure out anything...I can be at peace! The kind of peace that you can't explain, but that you just dwell in. Today that is my silver lining...peace in the midst of a storm! 

In Hebrews 13:5 (NASB) the Bible says, "I will never desert you, nor will I ever forsake you." 

Even in the crazy times in life when we may feel like He surely took a vacation day...or maybe a whole week of vacation...we are assured in His word that He has not left us! 

Psalm 94:19 (NASB) says, "When my anxious thoughts multiply within me, Your consolations delight my soul." 

He is there to console us, but we have to let Him. We have to relinquish control to Him. When we do that, we can rest in Him and let Him do the work! 

I had scans today and everything is still stable and so we proceed and trust and be at peace!

I did have a couple silver linings today while at treatment...homemade banana chocolate chip bread and zucchini bread brought in by sweet lady just to be a blessing. She comes every Wednesday and I had treatment today because of the holiday, so I got to partake! And a sweet nurse who gave me a silver band aid to match my shoes! I'm posting a picture of the band aid! Sometimes it's the little things! 

Thank you again for praying for me, believing with me, and surrounding me with faith! God is good and He loves us with an everlasting love!! Don't worry, be happy and wear fun shoes that make you happy!!! XOXO